Lennae Jenkins MA. ECSE
Blooming Preschools Coaching & Consulting
Relationship Based Professional Development Coach (PDIS), ECHO (Early Childhood Health Outdoors)
In-person areas served: Connections 4 Kids, First Impressions of Routt County, Grand Beginnings, Grand and Jackson Early Childhood Council, Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Council
Do you provide virtual services? YES
Languages: English
Who do you support: Teachers, Students, Families
Areas of expertise: General, Behavior support and intervention, Social-emotional development, Special education and inclusion, Nature Based Learning
Lennae has been an ECE professional her entire career. She holds a BA in ECE and an MA in ECSE. She is a relationship-based professional development coach and an ECHO coach. She is passionate about nature-based learning and has worked as a teacher, director, and coach in nature-based programs. She is also an ECE behavior specialist, providing a practical approach to behavior coaching and interventions. She provides coaching, training, and ratings to ECE programs in NW Colorado and statewide.
When she isn’t working, she enjoys the mountain lifestyle, camping, hiking, and rafting in the summer and skiing in the winter.
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